Summer 2014 Residence Update: What You Need to Know

We updated Residence last night. Here’s everything you need to know about the housing system’s newest features and enhancements.

Residence Interface, Roommate Matching and Room Selection Res got a face lift–expect a redesigned Home screen, Application and Room Selection access and navigation menu changes. Also, significant changes made to roommate matching and the room selection process allow residents to more easily connect with potential roommates.

Residence 2014 Roommate Selection

Assignments More flexibility in making assignments. Only one pending room assignment can be created per student, per term. And more gender designations and options allows for a less restricting and more consistent application process for both students and staff.

**Resident Groups ** You can now allocate roommate group selection times with ease.

**Importing ** Import even more types of data into the system including resident meal plan assignments, conference guests, room and meal plan assignments, keys and more.

Lists Editor (Preview) Managers can add and remove columns from designated lists, change order and set the default column sort.

Reporting 2.0 (Preview) Our upgraded reporting engine has a ton of new features that includes a wizard-based report creation, and the ability to sort, filter and reorder fields. But don’t fret! Users still have access to the original module as well.

Res clients, refer to your update release notes in your inbox for a full and detailed list of all new features and enhancements.

For recorded webinars, presentation videos and cheat sheets, login to Neighborhood.

Have specific questions on any of the new features? Submit an issue through Neighborhood or contact the help desk 703-647-3141.

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