Quick Tip: 5 Easy Steps to Editing Text in Your System

Have you ever looked at your system and wished you could add more of your own lingo to it? You can! The Text Editor* allows you to quickly change text that managers and students see in the system. Here is an example of a manager user changing the wording for the “Home” page:

  1. In the upper right hand corner, click on the white icon with the blue arrow that goes from corner to corner.

  1. Then, click on the “Edit Text” link you see closest to the text you are looking to edit.

  1. Within the list, find the string of text you want to edit. The left column contains the internal string - this is what the item is called in the back end. The next column is the local string, which is what will actually appear on the page and you are able to edit.

  1. Click “Save Text Edits” and then “Return” to see your changes. Please note that sometimes you may have to log out and log back in to actually see the changes.

  1. You can then shut this text editor off by clicking on the orange box (previously white). The words “Edit Text” will no longer appear.

*You need the text editor user right in order to utilize this feature. 

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