Predicting a Year of Continued Disruption and Innovation: Key Ed-Tech Insights from CES 2015

Each year at CES, TransformingEDU brings together leading experts, innovators and educators to discuss the new challenges facing the education industry and the important role technology will continue to play. Last week’s 2015 summit certainly didn’t disappoint.

The day was packed with astute observations, great ideas – and even a laugh or two. In addition to connecting with students, educators and other technology experts, Symplicity’s CEO Bill Gerety was invited to join a cornerstone panel discussion and unpack key trends and predictions for the education-tech industry as we head into 2015. The conversation included a diverse collection of perspectives and forecasts, and resulted in an engaging, powerful discussion.

Here are some of the great takeaways:

  1. The lessons learned will become increasingly as valuable as the degree secured: The value of a college degree is paramount. But, as the number of students pursing degrees increases just as the expectations of job-seekers evolve, those that are college-bound are under added pressure to ensure they’re getting the right degree – not just a degree. Additionally, the higher-education industry will continue to demonstrate their value and relevance by ensuring they can help students maximize their post-graduation job opportunities. For example, added focus will be placed in longer-term planning and strategizing with students, helping the next generation match their skills and passion to a fruitful and fulfilling career.

  2. We’ll continue to see exciting progress in adaptive learning: New, disruptive technologies are creating a fresh approach to innovative and personalized learning environments. Advances in big data and adaptive analytics will provide a deeper understanding of the learning process - helping to track learner and group patterns, develop personalized (and automated) courses, and inform smarter, more intuitive feedback. 2015 will also challenge ed-tech innovators to deliver an experience that is scalable, and effective, thereby allowing these impressive new technologies to benefit a larger, more diverse population of students.

  3. Technology is certainly a catalyst for change, but people will lead the revolution: The technological advances we’ve seen even in just the past few years have been astounding. Campuses are mobile, lessons are taught through gamification – and virtual reality and 3D printing are beginning to make their way into classrooms, inspiring students and educators alike. At its core, however, the industry remains driven and steered by passionate, experienced people who are now charged with identifying the most productive and cost-effective methods of leveraging these advances to benefit their students now, and in the long-term. Change will continue to be gradual, and smart, to ensure new methods are effective and make a lasting difference.

2015 will be a great year for educators and techies alike. Symplicity looks forward to remaining an active participate in this space, and welcome your thoughts and reactions!

For more information on TransformingEDU, and to view Bill’s panel discussion in its entirety, visit

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