Unfortunately, sexual assault on higher-ed campuses is no new topic for discussion. With an estimated 20% of all female students and 4% of male students suffering from attempted or completed sexual assault before the time they’ve earned their degree, tougher legislation had to be instated to combat these startling numbers. This is why in 2013, the U.S. Department of Education amended the Clery Act with The Campus SaVE Act, applicable to any post-secondary institution participating in Title IX financial aid programs.
The SaVE Act outlines the rights student victims have and must be informed of after an act of domestic or dating violence, sexual assault or stalking; the minimum standards for campus disciplinary procedures involving such an incident; and the requirements campuses must meet in providing anti-violence education to students. It also mandates that any incidents of domestic or dating violence, sexual assault or stalking must be included in annual campus crime statistic reporting.
So what does this mean for your campus, and what steps can you take to be in compliance with the SaVE Act?
The Campus SaVE Act mandates that higher education institutions provide sexual violence awareness and prevention education programs to all new students and employees. Consent & Respect by 3rd Millenium Classrooms is a course that fulfills every requirement of the SaVE Act educational component, and the company offers the Consent & Respect Staff version for administrators as well. Both courses come highly recommended and ensure that your campus is covering every topic required for the educational component of the SaVE Act.
In addition to education, a critical component of preventing sexual assault and domestic violence on your campus is taking a hands-on approach to managing student conduct and having a quick, efficient means of intervention. While utilizing student conduct software is not a requirement of the SaVE Act, it is a way to drastically decrease these incidents and promote your students’ safety. Many schools use Advocate, Symplicity’s comprehensive solution for assessing situational threats and at-risk students before an incident occurs so that your administration remains in full control of preventing assault or violence on your campus.
Another requirement of the SaVE Act is that all incidents related to sexual assault, domestic or dating violence and stalking are included in your campus’s annual Clery reporting. Inaccurate federal reporting of these incidents can result in consequences like violation fines up to $35,000 and the loss of eligibility to participate in federal student aid programs. In addition to being a student conduct management tool, Advocate includes the Title IX Manager feature built to ensure the accurate and thorough management of Title IX complaints and reporting. With this, in the unfortunate event that a violent act occurs, the incident is safely reported in accordance with all legal requirements.
If you combine educational programs like those from 3rd Millennium Classrooms with an industry-trusted student conduct management solution like Advocate, your campus can feel safe in the knowledge that you’re complying with the SaVE Act – and your students can feel safe in knowing that their school advocates for their protection.