CSM Symposium 2016 Recap

New Orleans

This June, the CSM Symplicity team traveled down to New Orleans to meet up with about 230 CSM clients from around the world at our annual CSM Symposium. As always, the two-day event was a blast and a phenomenal learning experience for both our clients and the Symplicity team.

Bill Gerety kicked off the first day with a warm and welcoming speech. Next, Craig Czubati spoke to the room about client support, followed by Scott Bowers presenting on all the new and exciting updates coming to CSM. Then we moved into breakout sessions.

The sessions were packed, and we heard glowing feedback from clients about the presentations and the learning that occurred. On the first night, we threw a client appreciation happy hour at Crescent City Brewhouse for all attendees so that everyone could relax and make new friends or catch up with old ones. Our CSM happy hour is always a great time and provides a comfortable space for everyone to connect, network and feel a part of our community. We were excited to finally meet some new faces from Symposium-first-timers such as Kamehameha Schools, University of Kansas School of Business, University of Tennessee Chattanooga, Kwantlen Polytechnic, and so many more.

CSM friends

For anyone unable to attend this year, we are sorry we missed you, and we’d still like for you to be able to access some of the great presentations viewed this year. To access presentation notes, please check your Neighborhood.

Instructions to find 2016 Best Practice Presentations:

  • Go to Neighborhood (icon found in lower left corner of your CSM interface)

  • Click on “Training” > “Cheat Sheets and Manuals” > “More” to view all presentations

We hope to see you all again next year in Palm Desert, California! #PalmDesert17

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