Roundup of Resources You Need on Title IX Topics

Roundup of Resources You Need on Title IX Topics

Complying with Title IX and preventing sexual violence on your campus should always be top concerns – they will never waver in importance or relevance. Throughout the years, Symplicity and the Advocate team have provided tons of resources outlining what Title IX means, how to comply with it and how to create a safe environment for all of your students.

We’ve rounded up these resources by topic – feel free to bookmark this post and return to it whenever you have a question or need help with ensuring your campus remains Title IX-compliant.

Everything You Need to Know About Title IX on College Campuses

  1. Title IX on College Campuses - This blog post summarizes the basics of what Title IX means to higher ed campuses.

  2. Understanding the Implications of Title IX in Higher Education - This white paper outlines the current climate of Title IX in higher education, highlighting institutional responsibilities and consequences of non-compliance. We follow through by giving you best practices and tools to keep your campus safe and up to OCR regulations.

  3. Title IX webinar series - We also hosted a three-part Title IX webinar series last year.

  4. Understanding the May 2016 “Dear Colleague” Letter - The U.S. Department of Justice released an important letter in May outlining how schools must treat transgender students to remain in compliance with Title IX. Check out the post to read more about the letter and its implications.

  5. Requirements of the SaVE Act & How You Can Meet Them - Any school participating in Title IX financial aid programs must also be aware of and comply with the SaVE Act, an amendment to the Clery Act. Refer to this post to learn about the SaVE Act and its requirements.

Dealing With a Sexual Violence Crisis on Campus

  1. How Ontario Universities Can Overcome Their Challenges Managing Sexual Assault - Universities in Ontario have been struggling throughout recent months with effectively preventing sexual assault on their campuses. For advice on how to avoid or combat a similar situation, check out this post.

  2. Reform in the UK Around the Handling of Sexual Violence on Campus - In late 2016, new guidance was given to schools in the UK on how to handle issues of sexual assault more stringently.

  3. How to Create a Campus Threat Assessment Team - Learn how to keep your campus safer by creating a designated campus threat assessment team.

  4. Preventing Alcohol-Related Sexual Assault on Campus - The unfortunate reality is that many incidents of sexual assault involve the consumption of alcohol on campus. To learn how to prevent this from happening at your school, read the advice we’ve provided in this post.

  5. Administering a Title IX Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey - eduOutcomes helped us by providing this piece explaining what a sexual misconduct climate survey is, why it matters and how to administer one at your school.

  1. Educating Your Students on Consent - Here is everything you’ll need to do to set the stage for a campus community that fully understands the meaning of consent.

  2. It’s On Us Week of Action - For ideas on hosting a sexual violence awareness movement on campus, see our post about the It’s On Us Week of Action. Remember, you can host a similar week of awareness on your campus any time you want.

The Advocate team is dedicated to constantly keeping abreast of the latest Title IX news and developments to keep students at our clients’ schools safe. If you are unfamiliar with Advocate, learn more about the solution and how it could benefit your campus community.

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