CSM Strengthens Job Recommendations with Big Data

CSM Strengthens Job Recommendations with Big Data

The ultimate goal of CSM is to connect students with valuable employment opportunities, and with CSM’s newest update, the smart-matching tools that recommend jobs to students will become even more powerful.

Updates to the smart-matching algorithm now take into account aggregate data from students, which means that even before new students have applied to positions or followed employers, the system can instantly make recommendations based upon the actions similar students have taken. This will make matches more accurate and more truly customized to individual students’ traits and interests.

For example, if a student is new to CSM and is a history major, the student will now be presented with opportunities that other history majors have viewed, significantly improving the relevancy of the opportunities being displayed.

With this update to CSM, students can feel even more confident in their chances of connecting with an employment opportunity that is perfectly tailored to their interests and talents!

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